That is the sum of their knowledge, indeed your Lord knows the best who is strayed from His way, and He knows best the one who is guided.
The disbelievers who are leading a life neglecting Adhikr after receiving It are auquiring the education benefitting for this temporary worldly life. Through the verse 2: 85, they are promised with disgrace in this world, and severe punishment in the Hereafter. This Fujjar who haven’t even the primary knowledge that there is no difference of a day between two places anywhere in the world, are observing Eid and fasting based on the appearance of new moon in their own area. The scene of arguing, quarrelling, cursing and blaming the hypocritical leaders and their blind followers from the hell is explained in verses 2: 165-167. These worst creatures mentioned in verse 8: 22 who are far front in all evils are deserved to be killed by the second coming of Jesus as explained in verse 9: 123. See explanation 9: 67-68; and 16: 25.